Latest Release: Priors V2.0 (7/30/2018)
(Coordinates in regions below are NT locations in HGVS format.)
- Priors in the grey zone are capped at 0.5. Region affected: BRCA2[9916, 9975]
- Priors in reference splice sites of BRCA2's exon10 and 12 are capped at 0.5. Regions affected: BRCA2[794, 796], BRCA2[1907, 1909], BRCA2[6842, 6844], and BRCA2[6935, 6937]
- Bug fixes corrected priors and/or dn_severity categories upstream or within key domains in both BRCA1 and BRCA2.
- "Direct Link" feature: priors page for a particular NT or AA can be reached using a URL. For instance,
See Help page for syntax. - Accompany this and all future releases, All Priors Reports will be generated. These are spread sheets that contain priors for all NT bases, as well as a comparison table showing the differences between this release and the most recent previous release, when available. Please contact sean.tavtigian@hci.utah.edu for more information.
See the differences between V2.0 and V1.0 here.